Designer Type – One Letter at a Time

Rotunda aSteve Czajka on Designer Type
Since I was a kid, I have been surround by letters as my Father owned his own sign painting shop. Letters were in my blood. My Father would take me to the job sites where he worked, and his sign shop occupied most of our basement. As his helper, he showed me the ropes to old school hand lettering and sign painting. Continue reading

The Genesis of Designer Type

The idea for Designer Type came to me around 2010 while working on a piece called, “Wild Horses.” I was using a common graphic design technique called ‘paste up.’ I had used paste up in the 1980s where I created an entire composition based on the best lines of calligraphy, then paste them onto an artboard — an old school technique prior to the digital age. Continue reading

Digital Arts + Design Master Class Course – Now Available

Digital Arts and Design Master Class DVD Cover

Do you want to improve your digital art designs?  As a designer you have a split second to attract someone to your product, as it is competing with so many others.  Or maybe this is for internal use such as business presentations? And you want people to buy into your ideas.  Or maybe you just really enjoy digital arts as hobby and want to make the best of that?  This course can help you with that and more! Continue reading

Personalized Greetings Cards

Custom Xmas Cards Fireplace Showcase CL
Learn how to create personalized greeting cards using GIMP, Inkscape and Scribus. This year I decided to change things up a bit and do some cards for my family, friends, co-workers and calligraphy guild members (card exchange). Continue reading